Are There Dangerous Animals In Fiji?

dangerous animals in fiji

The Fiji Islands make a perfect tropical holiday destination to explore. The beautiful beaches and the stunning coral reefs welcome everyone who wants to swim, snorkel or scuba dive under its turquoise waters. You can see a lot underwater, the … Read more

Ghost Pipefish in Fiji, Solenostomus

Ghost Pipefish in Fiji, Solenostomus

Ghost pipefish are small fish that belong to the same order as seahorses and sea dragons. They appear seasonally in shallow waters on coastal reefs and mucky sediments. Ghost pipefish are masters of disguise and divers get always excited finding … Read more

Fiji Liveaboard Scuba Diving In Lomaiviti

liveaboard diving in fiji

Because of the size of Lomaiviti and dive sites being so far out most sites can comfortably only be visited from ship-based diving. There are only a few Liveaboard dive vessels operating in Fiji. Ships are based on the mainland with … Read more

Pilot Whales In Fiji

Pilot Whales In Fiji

Pilot whales belong to the family of the oceanic dolphins just like their larger cousins the killer whales. There are two species the long-finned pilot whale and the short-finned pilot whale. Common throughout the world’s oceans, the long-finned species live … Read more

Spinner Dolphins In Fiji

spinner dolphin in fiji

Spinner dolphins live in all tropical and subtropical oceans around the world.  There are 4 subspecies of the genus spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris). They are a small species of the family of the toothed whales. Spinner dolphins are very playful, … Read more

Whale And Dolphin Watching Guidelines

Whale and Dolphin watching

Whale watching exerts a great fascination. Seeing whales in their natural environment is an awe-inspiring experience for most nature lovers. The sight of great whales, the playfulness of dolphins it is an incomparable experience that stays with people. Whale watching tourism … Read more

Humpback Whales In Fiji

Humpback Whales in Fiji

Humpback whales are cosmopolitans who live in all of the world’s oceans. The humpback whales are baleen whales and spend most of the year in Arctic Waters, feeding on krill and small sardine-like fish. During the polar winter month, they … Read more

Pantropical Spotted Dolphin in Fiji

Pantropical Spotted Dolphin in Fiji

The spotted dolphin is found worldwide in all temperate and tropical oceans. There are 2 species, the Atlantic spotted dolphin and the Pantropical spotted dolphin with 4 subspecies in the Pacific. Of those, 2 subspecies exist in the eastern Pacific ocean, a coastal … Read more

False Killer Whales in Fiji

False Killer Whale in Fiji

False killer whales are the fourth-largest member of the oceanic dolphin family (Delphinidae).  They live in temperate and tropical oceans throughout the world. They probably got their name ‘false killer whale’ (scientific pseudorca) because of similar skull characteristics and the similarity … Read more

Fin Whale In Fiji

Fin Whale in Fiji

The Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) is the second-largest animal on the planet right after the Blue whale. They can grow to around 25 meters in length and weigh over 60 tons. Just like its big cousin it is a cosmopolite … Read more