Finwhale in the Fiji Islands
(Balaenoptera physalus)
The fin whale baleen whales, it is the largest animal after the
blue whale,grows to over 20 meters and weights over 60 tons.
The fin whale is a cosmopolit, found from polar to tropical
oceans it prevers open sea and avoids shallow coastal waters.
As a baleen whale its a filter feder and diets on small
schooling fish, squid, and crustaceans such as krill.
Whalewatching tours
for fin whales concentrate on moderate oceans where they
are regulary seen.
In Fiji encounters with fin whales are random
events during boating or shipping trips between the
islands as
Fiji seems to be only a pass trough during their
travels around the worlds oceans.
The fin whale was heavily hunted in the 20 century.
About 750 000 animals where slaughtered from 1900 till 1979, for
oil and baleen.
Today only about 50 thousand fin whales are left in the worlds
oceans. |