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Bottlenose dolphins in the Fiji Islands
(Tursiops aduncus)

Bottle nose dolphins are the most common and well-known members of the Dolphin family. Everybody has probably seen “flipper” on TV.
Bottlenose dolphins inhabit warm and temperate seas worldwide, they live in pods of 30 to 40 animals. Sometimes congregations of many hundred animals are seen. They do also form opportunistic groups with other dolphins or whales. They hunt in groups for fish and squid.

A grown bottle nose dolphin is very large over 3 meter and are very impressive in the water.

  Bottlenose dolphins have been well studied, they have the largest brain in ratio to body mass of any animal. Latest research shows high intelligence, emotional intelligence and complex comunicationan.

When in the water with them, one can clearly hear their  wisthles and clicks with which the echolocate their souroundings and comunicate. Their echolocation, when directly hit, produces a prickling sensation on the  skin.

Bottle nose dolphins shows often great curiosity to humans in water. Their are even reports throughout history of rescue of humans in distress.
Their high intelligence, social abilities and playfulness has landed them in aquariums around the world or had them trained in the army as military dolphin (both still highly controversial).

“Dolphin encounter” tours operate to see wild or captured dolphins exist in many countries.
Home Pilot Whale Spinner Dolphin Humpback whale Spotted Dolphin False Killer Whale Bottlenose Dolphin Fin whale Guidelines Fiji whalesanctuary