Pantropical Spotted Dolphin in
the Fiji Islands (Stenella attenuata)
The spotted dolphin is found worldwide in all temperate and
tropical oceans.
Its a small species slender dolphin not bigger than a human. At
birth they are about 70 cm long and have spotts especially on
their belly, these disapear the older the dolphin gets.
Spotted dolphins are very active and playfull, offen they appear
next to boats to bow ride or ride the wake, they jump high offen
doing flips and multiple spinns...
Spotted dolphins feed on fish and squid.
In the pacific the spotted dolphin is, like their cousin
the spinner dolphins, offten found following tuna
for which they came under threat as they died by
the thousands as by catch in purse sein fishing.
Today their numbers are recovering and they are
one of the most common dolphins in the world .
The photos
to the right show the use of a dart gun for the collection of
skin sample.
The hollow tipped dart bounces of the dolphin and in the
process obtains some skin. The procedure is harmless to the
During the research project in Lomaiviti, Central Fiji, this was
the first scientificly documented presence of Pantropical
Spotted Dolphins in Fiji waters. Anecdotally they are easyly
confused with spinner dolphins |